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Airstroke Double Convoluted - Air Spring Actuators

17 Styles

See Metric Units
7 Bar Force at Stroke of
Style Number Max Diameter (mm) @ 7 Bar Min Height (mm) Max Stroke (mm) Max. Us. Height (mm) 25mm (Kn) 50% of max. Stroke @ Max Stroke (Kn)
268 163 76 79 155 7.8 9.6 5.3
267-1.5 165 76 102 178 8.1 11.4 7.1
224 203 71 119 190 13.3 15.5 8.2
26 218 71 145 216 15.3 17.8 11.2
274 251 79 152 231 21.4 25.5 13.9
20-2 264 76 203 279 22.5 24.3 17.4
22 328 81 175 256 40.6 49.2 29.2
22-1.5 348 76 206 282 43.4 51.7 30.2
21 384 81 175 256 58.1 71.9 44.9
21-2 406 76 221 297 64 76.8 46.3
233-2 394 76 264 340 61.9 78 46.6
28 442 86 170 256 84.7 99.8 67.4
203 508 89 178 267 120.8 147.2 102.1
29 577 84 191 275 151.9 188.6 136.2
200 660 89 180 269 201.6 255.4 191.7
215 709 89 218 307 240 300.5 222.5
248-2 950 107 231 338 441.4 559.6 426.7

Sleeve Types